About Balance is Better

Balance is Better is an evidence-based philosophy to support quality sport experiences for all young people, regardless of ability, needs and motivations. It is about young people staying involved in sport for life and realising their potential at the right time.

The Balance is Better philosophy has been developed by the NZ sport system (e.g. sport organisations, leaders and administrators, schools, clubs, coaches, parents and volunteers) to support the culture change needed to provide quality sport opportunities for tamariki (5-11) and rangatahi (12-18). Sport NZ’s current focus is on rangatahi, given the decline we are seeing in teenage participation.

NZC & Otago Cricket Association

New Zealand Cricket along with 4 other national sporting bodies in New Zealand (rugby, football, netball & hockey) have fully comitted to leading philosophical and operational changes, alongside Sport NZ, with how sport interacts with and maintains postive, healthy and enjoyable experiences with New Zealands Tamariki & Rangitahi (Children & Youth 5-18 years).

As a major association of New Zealand Cricket, Otago Cricket (& District Associations) (Otago Country Cricket Assoc., North Otago Cricket Assoc., Southland Cricket Assoc, & Dunedin Cricket) we fully embrace and support the Sport NZ implemented philosphy of Balance is Better. (BiB)

We strongly believe that by initiating and driving the change of philopshy and thinking within our sport, this will directly contribute to increased particaption among our youth and create players and fans of the game for life.

We have begun to initiate change within our sport & hope to share this journey with you!

For more information & resources... (click below)