Umpires and Scorers represent the 'Third Team' during a cricket match and as such perform a vital role, both on and off the field, by upholding the Laws and Spirit of Cricket, applying Playing Conditions, and managing every game and recording it for history. For more infromation, head to the NZC website by clicking on the button below.


As umpires and scorers gain knowledge, skills, and experience (and, in the case of umpires, pass formal exams) they become eligible to officiate in higher levels of cricket.

Both umpires and scorers usually begin their careers with some basic participation in junior cricket, and then progress to more formal involvement with secondary school and club cricket. Once they prove themselves at this level, umpires and scorers may then be appointed to age group, District, and Provincial A matches within their Major Association.

The very best umpires and scorers may then progress to matches under the jurisdiction of New Zealand Cricket: national tournaments, men's and women's domestic competitions, and women's internationals, New Zealand Under-19 and New Zealand A men's matches. Umpires recognised as the best in the world could then be appointed by the International Cricket Council to international men's matches, at home and overseas, while the top scorers will be appointed by NZC to men's home internationals.


Contact your local Regional Training Officer, Area Training Officer, or Scorer Training Officer to find out how you can start getting involved



Otago Regional Training Officer

Allan Faithful ~ allan@southlandcricket.co.nz ~ (027) 304-7772

Area Training Officers

North Otago: Derek Walker ~ derekwalkernoca@gmail.com ~ (027) 338-6890

Dunedin: John Henderson ~ handjhenderson@actrix.co.nz ~ (021) 069-6109

Dunedin: Kannan Jagannathan ~ kannansjk@gmail.com ~ (021) 0482133

Otago Country & Southland: Allan Faithful


Regional Scoring Officer:

Malcolm Jones ~ thesnowdons9@gmail.com ~ (027) 522-6300


As there is no formal exam process for scorers yet, the progression of eligibility up the various levels of cricket is not as clear-cut as for umpires, but will become so once this exam process is established - see the Proposed Scorer Levels in the 'In This Section' list. At present, scorers will be expected to demonstrate to Regional Scoring Managers neatness, accuracy, and experience at senior club, district, or age group cricket before being recommended by their RSM for NZC's Tournament Scorers Programme. This programme was launched in the 2010/11 season and enables one scorer from each Major Association to come to all four national tournaments - the Women's Under 21s, Men's Under 17s, Men's Under-19s, and Men's Provincial A -  held every summer, usually at NZC's playing grounds at Lincoln. These tournaments provide developing scorers the opportunity to further their scoring skills and experience, learn the Feedback Cricket internet scoring software and Duckworth-Lewis-Stern programme, and work with other scorers and umpires from around New Zealand. From here, scorers will then progress to domestic and international cricket. For more information on the Tournament Scorers Programme please contact your local Regional Scoring Manager and watch this website for updates at the start of each season.


As alluded to above, an umpire's progression up these levels of cricket follows a formal process that includes assessment of on-field performance and the passing of examinations (with both written and oral components) that are tied to three of the six certification levels. The Level 2, 3, and 4 exams must be passed before an umpire is eligible to be appointed to the next level of cricket. It is important to stress that the passing of exams does not automatically mean appointment to higher levels of cricket - umpires are encouraged to pursue an umpiring career as a means, first and foremost, of remaining or becoming involved in the game of cricket. Only the most dedicated umpires, after years of hard work and exceptional performance - both on and off the field - make it to the heights of international cricket and the ICC Elite Panel. All umpires are encouraged to be the best that they can be, but realistic expectations are also recommended.